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April 9th - 11th, 2025
Lake Pleasant
The top competitors of this event over a consecutive 2-year period are chosen to represent the USA in the World Freshwater Spearfishing Event. It is held at a different lake every year, and every 4th year it is backed by the USOA as their National Tournament as well. Each location for Nationals is unique and challenging, offering a different species, and method / structure of spearfishing to be successful.
Online Freshwater Spearfishing Tournament
May 1st, 2025 - October 31st, 2025
Join us online for a virtual tourney! Spear qualifying fish and record their lengths on our handy dandy app! Youth species and prizes are a bonus to get that grom frothing on spearfishing as well!
Utah State Spearfishing Championship & JAWS
August 1st - 2nd, 2025
In the beautiful Fish Lake National Forest of Central Utah, sits a crystal clear gem sharing the same name. It’s home to an abundance of Kokanee, Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout, Splake, Suckers and Tiger Muskie. The current Womans World Record Tiger Muskie was shot there during one of our events by Maya Finlinson.
National Freshwater Spearfishing Association
The National Freshwater Spearfishing Association is a nonprofit spearfishing association dedicated to the sport of spearfishing. Our mission is to mentor new divers in the safe and ethical practice of harvesting game for conservation. We also focus of educating the public and working with each state's Wildlife Departments to help improve our regulations and promote proactive sensible fisheries management.
New to Spearfishing?
Are you new to spearfishing? Are you interested but don’t know quite where to start? Are you looking for a group of local dive buddies or to attend our regional events?
Please visit our Contact Us page and drop us a note. A member of our team will reach out to you and see how we can help!
Have some awesome photos or footage?
Send us your freshwater highlights and well share them with the community! Tag us on Facebook or Instagram.
USOA is the national governing body for underwater sports in the USA. It is a charter member of the World Underwater Federation (CMAS). As a member of CMAS, USOA sanctions yearly local, regional and national underwater championships in underwater hockey, underwater rugby, fin swimming, spearfishing