A Legacy of diving

We've collected the Freshwater Nationals results for the past 20 years. Take a look!

Freshwater Spearfishing Nationals Tournament Results

Here is a recap of the past 4 years.

YearHostLocation#1 Team#1 Team Pts#1 Diver#1 Diver Pts
2020NFSA, PRSDLake McConaughy, NebraskaCalvin Lai & Eli Lai615 pts, 62carpEli Lai207 pts, 35 carp
2021NFSA, Copper State FDLake Pleasant, AirzonaDarvil McBride, Ferrando Gutierrez-Kelston McGuire-
2022NFSALake Powell, Page, ArizonaMike Livingston, Kenny Western, Mike Kennedy-Justin Lee-
2023NFSA, PRSDLake McConaughy, NebraskaMike McGuire, Kelston McGuire-Mike McGuire-
2024NFSA, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin Ritchie Zacker, GR Tarr90.12 ptsRitchie Zacker49.06 pts
2025NFSA, USOA, SalivmarLake Pleasant, Airzona----

Freshwater Spearfishing Nationals History

Lake Geneva Freshwater Nationals

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